And so, we come out of our hibernation (as in we've recently gotten some actual sleep) to tell you everything you need this summer to keep your kids outside instead of destroying your house.
- 1. Sunscreen for home. Putting sunscreen on a baby is really hard and it doesn't get easier as they get older. Let's face it, kids are squirmy at all ages and the last thing they want to do is stand perfectly still while you make sure every nook and cranny of their delicate skin is covered in cream. For that reason, I could not recommend using MD Moms Baby Sunscreen Wipes highly enough. Are they a little expensive? Yes. Totally worth it? Also yes. One wipe has a ton of cream on it. Enough, to put on big sister, little brother, mom and dad. It requires much less cooperation from the littles, gives you peace of mind, and stores easily and cleanly in your diaper bag. In my book, this is a baby product totally worth throwing a bit of money at.
- 2. Sunscreen for day care. Did you already buy sunscreen and are totally regretting it because you hate the 20 minute fight to get it on your kid and have only just found out about the wipes? Send the tube of cream to day care and go buy yourself some wipes. Fact - day care teachers are ninjas! They somehow magically get 8 kids to line up peacefully and stand there while they douse them from head to toe. I don't know how they do it, but I'm so happy they do. And for that reason, we do not splurge on wipes for day care. Instead we buy tubes of Thinkbaby Safe Sunscreen
- 3. Hat. Hats and jackets are items that somehow invite the general public to comment on your child's attire. If you thought you were done with community comments when you were done being pregnant, you were wrong. Be prepared for every little old lady on the street and bus to helpfully chime in when they think your child needs one, whether they actually do or are willing to wear one. Some kids just hate hats and others love them. If you have the former, don't worry, I promise they'll survive childhood somehow. You on the other hand, should do your best to let go of the guilt over that. If your kid loves hats, or is willing to wear one, nothing beats the wide brimmed comfy ones of iPlay. They come in a variety of colors and prints, are adjustable, and offer a lot of sun protection.
- 4. Swim/water wear. Once again, this is a place where iPlay
just dominates. Their bathing suits with built in swim diapers are a must for hitting the beach. I would also recommend getting some swim shirts and shorts (often sold as "rashguards") to reduce the area on which sunscreen needs to be applied (see photo to right for one of their shirts). And as always, these are the kinds of things that are best purchased at the end of the season for next year if you want to save some money.