Since our high chair is always out, we've opted for something prettier that looks more like real
furniture. However, they love it so much that they recommend it to anyone looking for an inexpensive chair that's easy to put away.
Dina Aronzon is a mother of two, a wrangler of software developers, and a recovering physicist. She has been known nurse her babies while answering work emails, drag her children on outings in all kinds of ridiculous Boston weather, and worry obsessively about tiny parenting decisions.
Kids in the Stairwell participates in various "affiliate" programs wherein if you click a link to a product or store and buy something, we get a commission on the sale. Unless stated otherwise, no one is giving us anything for free. We're not recommending things just for the commission (we'd be writing about designer purses or something if that was our goal!), and we even link to a few things here and there that DON'T pay a commission, just because we like them. Nevertheless, you can safely assume all product links are affiliate links and choose the number of grains of salt to apply.